Football returned to Mandela National stadium, Namboole for the first time in five years during two test matches in the Uganda Premier League on May 01st.

Eventual champions SC Villa lost 2-0 to KCCA with BUL edging Vipers 1-0 in an earlier game on the day.

Fans from all walks of life showed up to not only cheer their teams but also see the refurbished Cathedral of Ugandan football.

There was something to excite them especially the playing surface but many left unimpressed as a lot hadn’t been done as they expected given the 97 billion budget.

Credit: John Philip Mugabi

However, as the beautiful game officially returns to the stadium on June 7 and 10 when Uganda Cranes host Botswana and Algeria in the FIFA World Cup qualifiers, a lot has changed for the better.

“We are almost there,” said Lt. Col. Peter Kidemuka, UPDF Project Engineer said. “I believe by June 7 when we host the first official game, all will be complete and we shall have a world class stadium,” he added.

“The test matches like the word test itself showed us where to put emphasis and at the moment, we are at 96/7 %.”


During the test matches, the floodlights were dim and not as good as they should be.

Kidemuka revealed that the used floodlights during test matches were provisional but imported ones from the best company in the business are soon arriving and installation works will be complete in the next few days.

“We have ordered the floodlights from the best company in the world and are customized for Namboole,” he said. “We have ordered 212 floodlights and when installed, you see a clear pitch with no shades.

“We have added more 48 floodlights that produce about 2000 lux so we shall be amongst the best in that regard.”

The screen

For those at Namboole on May 1, you must have the seen the faulty screen. However, this is being fixed and was almost in its last completion stages on Tuesday.

The tartan running track

Though not a CAF requirement to host football matches, the tartan running track is being fixed by the experts.

On Tuesday, a delegation from Sports Lab was at the stadium doing tests for approval for it to be laid and works were visibly going on.

“We couldn’t just lay it without approval from the International certifying authorities who are here already,” said Kidemuka. “It could turn out to be a waste of money but if all is approved, it will be laid and complete within two weeks.”

The Four dressing rooms fixed and furnished

One of the four dressing rooms at Namboole Credit: Courtesy

Previously, Namboole had only two dressing rooms but now four are available and fully furnished with whatever is required to make them fit four use.

The Media Tribune

Unlike May 01st when the media were mixed with fans, this has changed with a separate media tribune taking over 120 journalists fully installed with power and working tables.

A glass to protect the media is also being worked and by June 7, all will be in place as the UPDF engineering brigade.

Automated access control machines

Spectators were left frustrated on the gates with the machines failed to work despite people having valid tickets.

However, the system according to Col. Kidemuka has been completed and handed over to Namboole management who must work with whoever is responsible for production of match day tickets to ensure none what frustrated fans on test matches is repeated.

Automated Access Control systems failed to work on test matches on May 01 Credit: John Philip Mugabi

“For that matter, many tickets were not bought online and FUFA who printed tickets just maybe though QR Codes would work.

“We have however had all that done and we hope the relevant authorities do print tickets in sync with the machines at all gates.”

Parking marked with security lights installed

There were a few incidents of insecurity mainly due to lack of security lights in the parking lots and outside of the arena but now that has been worked on.

The parking slots have also been marked properly – both inside (VIP, VVIP) and the outside of the arena.

Namboole parking slots are now marked Credit: Courtesy

Other items that have also been fixed include the VIP section that is bullet proofed, the washrooms didn’t operate well during test matches but have been fixed in all sections including ordinary, canteens and refreshment areas have been put in place and a small stand is being constructed on the outside pitch as well.

Secured Land

Meanwhile, according to Col. Kidemuka, the total land secured and fenced for the entire Namboole now stands at 120 acres with only 8 still unsecured including land that houses Jokers Hotel, one petrol stations and several residential houses.

YouTube video
A video of the Namboole stadium tour courtesy of the Sports Nation Media

“There are visible developments on those eight acres and probably, government will see how to compensate or lease land to the developers in that regard but the secured 120 have been fenced.”

New Items, old structure

From the electricity system to iron sheets, floodlights, power cables, plumbing system to the playing surface, everything at Namboole is new.

Namboole waste

Uninstalled items occupy the lower parts of Namboole where UPDF engineering brigade also put makeshift stores.

According to Col. Kidemuka, the uninstalled property could be worth 3 billion and was handed to the Ministry of Works and Transport.

New water system

The water bills at Namboole will greatly reduce from over 27 million monthly after the UPDF also opted to pump its own water.

At the moment according to Col. Kidemuka, only 1 million shilling is spent on paying water bills.

And finally, the stadium has been marked with signage that gives directions to the fans and whoever will be watch the two qualifying matches next month, expect a better and improved Namboole from the one of the old.

The Namboole capacity as per installed seats is 41000 but only 38000 fans can have entire view of proceedings from all angles on the pitch.

Senior Staff writer at Kawowo Sports mainly covering football

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  1. Well done,i my self i appreciate 🙏 for the work you are still doing

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