Just like all other sporting activities world over, pool and billiards sports are as addictive and sometimes even more.

But besides the addiction, there are so many benefits associated with taking part in playing these games ranging from; health, social and economic benefits.

Firstly, being one of the most famous sports the world over, it is very easy to access a playing field in every part of the universe and ready of opponents at all levels in very region.

Further still research depicts that players who play cue sports like snooker, pool, carom, and others are unknowingly honed with a high degree of concentration since the game requires extreme concentration and body coordination.

In a game of pool / billiards, a given player is continually put in awkward situation, forced to panic and has to think at the same time.

This is a rare occurrence and it normally comes in life threatening situations like accidents. For that reason cue sports players stand a better chance of survival in such cases because they have developed the ability to think during panic situations not forgetting the fact that they also develop quick hand reactions, hand eye coordination making it easy to protect them solves from severe injuries.

Cue sports have a unique benefit of being a sport that requires physical activity and no sweat. Imagine the body is physically active with countless bends, stretches, squatting, one leg on the ground, eyeballing, hoisted arms, mental gyrations, some leaping after making a great shot or winning a match, all that with minimal to no sweat. Where can you find all that except on a pool table?

They create a competitive spirit in any one who plays and competitiveness is something we all need in our day to day well being. (work, well fare, every aspect of life).

May be played by everyone regardless of age, sex even those with a few disabilities.
Through experience I can’t for get to mention the fact that knowing how to play billiards can help boost self esteem more especially if you excel very well.

You get so many admirers, friends and sometimes financial support.Pool and billiards is a typical example of applied geometry and physics.

When playing cue sports, there is so much to do with motions, friction, vectors, ball collisions, angles when escaping from snookers, so much estimate and calculation and in life there is no way one can excel without a sharp mind and cue sports can equip you with one.

They are fan and proof is there are some players who do play for more than 3-8 hrs daily.
Some players also earn their living from the sport.

About Eddy Nkoyoyo:

He is the Pool Association of Uganda executive member responsible for learning institutions. He is the national coach for team Uganda.

He loves artistic pool and was recently signed by Kamui Limited, a Japanese company responsible for manufacture of tips, chalk, tip burnisher, gator grips other accessories of the pool game and billiards products.

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